[SOLDIERS] One, two! One, two! [MILES] We not only fought, but we won, too! [SOLDIERS] One, two! One, two! Left, right! Left, right! [MILES] There's none of the enemy left, right? [SOLDIERS] Right! Left...right...right? Left? [MILES] Halt! [PSEUDOLUS] Hail, Miles Gloriosus. Welcome to Rome. Your bride awaits you. [MILES] My bride... My bride! My bride! I've come to claim my bride, Come tenderly to crush her against my side. Let haste be made! I cannot be delayed: There are lands to conquer, cities to loot and peoples to degrade. [SOLDIERS] Look at those arms! Look at that chest! Look at them! [MILES] Not to mention the rest. Even I am impressed! My bride! My bride! Come, bring to me my bride. My lust for her no longer can be denied. Convey the news! I have no time to lose: There are towns to plunder, temples to burn and women to abuse. [SOLDIERS] Look at that foot! Look at that heel! Mark the magnificent muscles of steel! [MILES] I am my ideal! I, Miles Gloriosus, I, slaughterer of thousands, I, oppressor of the meek, Subduer of the weak, Degrader of the Greek, Destroyer of the Turk, Must hurry back to work. [MILES & ROMANS:] I/he, Miles Gloriosus, [SOLDIERS] A man among men! [MILES & ROMANS:] I/he, paragon of virtue, [SOLDIERS] With sword and with pen! [MILES] I, in war the most admired, In wit the most inspired, In love the most desired, In dress the best displayed-- I am a parade! [SOLDIERS] Look at those eyes, cunning and keen, Look at the size of those thighs, like a mighty machine! [PSEUDOLUS] Those are the mightiest thighs that I ever have theen! I mean... [MILES] My bride! My bride! Inform my lucky bride: The fabled arms of Miles are open wide. Make haste! Make haste! I have no time to waste: There are shrines I should be sacking, Ribs I should be cracking, Eyes to gouge and booty to divide. Bring me my bride!