I've never been a pillar of society Quiet the opposite in fact A plyer of insults A place marker on the path of least resistance Nothing more A face in a crowd, but a crowd behind Bedlam's bars Providing a barbed laugh for the wealthy A grinning, dry target for their rigidity Happily stuck in the throats of an angry mob Stretched beyond repair by production line proclivity I am as steadfast refusal I've shown no interest and I've reaped little that I've sewn A world of cloned mechanists has left me unwaveringly organic Perhaps food for thought or just food for the worms I stand as a final insult to the easily offended All words out of turn to kindle their burning world If for one moment I thought I felt a twinge of guilt I would put it down to angry muscles Shifting their weight against all the irrelevance I will stand as grave marker in resolute denial of the state Of your two thousand years of treading water So dig a good deep hole for Abraham And all his insipid godlets Whatever name it goes by It's all the same crumpled at the grave-side Abrahamic iterations all divide by zero Cartoon Lucifer presiding I lost my shadow amongst the marionettes Soul chord measured found wanting Probably too long, frayed and Or split to dance with the more standard corpses In this world of shit I sold my spirit Might even have quaffed it blind without realising Any port in a storm, they say Oh, so they say Heart removed as part of some half-arsed morning ritual Piss-begotten solitude sold out At the drop of a gaping fish-mouthed hat Filed away amongst the other stolen myths The lore of these folks is nought But a long string of syphilitic spit Scripturally transmitted disease, if you will In fact, no, I insist So make a monolith of me, but plant me facing sunset Back turned to the broken day Leave me here watching the darkness I have no time of day I have no time for day Don't come looking for me I'm long lost, seeking out Odin Odin under ice I've danced away, died away Don't come looking for me Long lost, seeking out Odin Odin under ice