Hit the ground running backwards You feel it in your spine, Shaking you up inside Now take your lies, your hate, your spite, Give it to me. It's by your own design, And it's just a matter of time, You say you wanna play, You got no way to pay, Well its o.k. Take my hand and walk with me, Cause these are, The consequences on the road to nowhere. Pick it up moving faster You cant help but to slide, It opens you up inside Now take your mind, your faith, your pride, your passion for life, Give it to me. Its by your own design, And its just a matter of time, Cause these are, The consequences on the road to nowhere, And we are Forever lost inside the lines that go there. Walk with me, and all will be forgiven, Walk with me and you will feel no pain, Walk with me, show me what you've been given. And i'll take it away. Cause these are, The consequences on the road to nowhere, And we are Forever lost inside the lines that go there.