Deck the halls with the testicles of a jolly man Wreck the walls within my brain of how it began I can not just let it be That fucker destroyed my family Now I sit and I wait and I plan Jingle jangle jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to slay! Memories of a simple time inside my home There they were on the kitchen table all alone Mama's head moving all around The fat man said: Keep going down Kissing underneath the mistletoe Silent night, a deadly night for me! In my head it's laughing at me And I'm stuck here in a padded room Dreaming daily of your doom Sanity left on the short bus But I hope you have a hell of a Christmas! Dreaming of my enemy Crucified upon a tree Deck the halls with your jolly nuts I want to give you a hell of a Christmas, man Fantasizing of a head upon a stick Wrap the intestines all around my bloody dick I'll wear his face just like a mask Shove a candy cane right up his ass I wonder why the doctors think I'm sick? Walking in this twisted wonderland You'll never catch me, I'm the gingerbread man! And I'm stuck here in a padded room Dreaming daily of your doom Sanity left on the short bus But I hope you have a hell of a Christmas! Dreaming of my enemy Crucified upon a tree Deck the halls with your jolly nuts I want to give you a hell of a Christmas, man The day has finally come It's time to go home Cut the throat of everyone in front of me Now I'm on the run with a scalpel up my sleeve I told them I had to get away But they all said I had to stay Now they know why I shouldn't get too angry Santa Claus is coming into town! Gotta find a way for him to be found! Getting close to home and I'm hyper now! I was stuck there in a padded room Dreaming daily of your doom Now I'm coming home on a bus I want to give you a hell of a Christmas! Hunting of my enemy To crucify upon a tree And deck the halls with your bloody nuts I want to give... I want to give you I want to give you a hell of a Christmas I want to give you a hell of a Christmas And deck the halls with your bloody nuts I want to give you a hell of a Christmas, man