If this old shattered house of ours had words to say. Through the laughter and the tears throughout the years. Through the sadness of goodbye and the tears that I cry. Through the love that once was that has sadly gone by. If these walls could talk, what would they say? Would they tell you how we felt when everything was gay? About the times we laughed and played for the whole day. Would they tell us where it started to slip slowly away. Would they tell us how to have changed the past. If these walls could talk, what would they say? When did it start to fail? This feeling of love lost. Do you remember when we had time to make love? Do you remember how it first felt, making love in the ocean With the waves hitting us in just the right way If these walls could talk, what would they say? I' ve loved you for so long, I can' t remember when it began. It seems like you' ve always been, but now as I watch the door close. I feel empty as my heart broke that very same day. What could I have said to have made you stay? If these walls could talk, what would they say? As I close this chapter with no heart left as I watched you walk that day. The tears that I cried were so deep from inside, how will I ever survive these tears I can't hide. As I watched from our window as you drove away without saying goodbye. There was no anger, no words spoken, as I watched you that day. If these walls could talk, what would they say?