SCROOGE If the poor have to eat Let the beg upon the street Or apply at the workhouse door. If they refuse to earn, Then let them learn What a prison's for! I abhor how they whine! How they want whatever's mine! Whay should I give a thing for free? Let them beg till they're blue! It has nothing to do with me! "I say let them die, and decrease the surplus population! Good afternoon!" CRATCHIT Mr. Scrooge, I'm sorry, But sir, might I go? Might you pay me early, Just this once… SCROOGE (Shouting after the Charity Men) "Picking a man's pocket every 25th of December!" CRATCHIT (Determinedly) My Tiny Tim is ill, sir. Youngest son, you know! Wife and children need me, Just this one… SCROOGE People wanting this, People wanting that, Spreading bloody cheer! CRATCHIT "It's only once a year, sir!" SCROOGE Plucking at your sleeve, Holding out the hat, Singing in your ear! CRATCHIT "Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I never meant to…" SCROOGE Taking off a day, Asking for their pay, CRATCHIT "Only once a year!" SCROOGE Only once a year! Well you can take Christmas And stuff it with bread! And if that isn't perfectly clear… I do not need to know Of your family or your woe. I suggest Tiny Tim drink yea! CRATCHIT "He's only six!" SCROOGE Give him tea, give him stew It has nothing to do With me! (Scrooge pays Cratchit grudgingly and starts home. He meets his Nephew Fred on the street.) FRED Come to Christmas dinner. We're inviting you, Be with family, Uncle, Just this once. SCROOGE "No, thank you." FRED You'd enjoy it, Uncle. We'd enjoy it, too. You'd meet Sally, Uncle, Just this once. SCROOGE People taking wives, Living little lives, Cozier than mice! FRED "We want nothing from you." SCROOGE Marrying for love, Push will come to shove, You'll be thinking twice. FRED "I will not get angry, Uncle!" SCROOGE Asking me to dine, Breaking open wine, Taking no advice! FRED (Getting annoyed despite himself) "Good God!" SCROOGE Well, you can have Christmas, And marriage as well, And to hell with your trees and your rice! I will not fill my plate, Socialize, or celebrate With a fool and his family. FRED (Amused at his uncle's outrageousness) "Well!" SCROOGE Let your love see you through But have nothing to do With me!