Gravediggers Listen to the rhythm Of the shovel on the gravel And the murmurs of the spirits That you fear, Dancing in the shadows Of the future. Your future Lies here! (hooded, faceless monks emerge through the mist.) Monks Listen to the echoes Of the voices in the shadows. All the people who You never tried to save! Listen to the footsteps Of the people who'll be Dancing on your grave! Monks, gravediggers Listen to the rhythm Of the hammer on the coffin And the murmur of The people drawing near. Listen to the music of the future. You future lies here! Listen to the echoes of the voices of the future As they curse you For the little That you gave! Listen to the footsteps Of the people Who'll be dancing on your Grave! Scrooge "spirit, i know your purpose is to do me good." (the ghost bows her head in acknowledgment.) Lead me to the future. I don't know what hells await me But i know i have to go there To return! Tear me into shreds And re-create me! Tell me that it's not to late To learn! I can feel the shiver Of a shadow passing over And i have a premonition It's for me! Lead me to the future! Show me everything I'm terrified to see! (mist swirls away to reveal two bankers and the beadle from the royal exchange.) Banker one Didn't he die? Banker two Didn't who die, sir? Banker one Terrible, mean old what's his name? Banker two Couldn't care less! Beadle Neither could i, sir! Funeral day, and no one came! Banker one What did he leave? Banker two Nobody knows and Nobody chose to mourn his fate! Banker one, banker two Have a nice day. Beadle Have a nice christmas! All Look at the time, i'm late! Scrooge "i know those gentlemen from the exchange! of whom do they speak? What am i to learn from this?" (a new scene is revealed: mrs. mops and Two undertakers strip a corpse of its clothes and steal the bed curtains.) Mrs. mops Shame to let a shirt like this Go in the ground! Undertakers Grab the sheets and curtains off his bed! Mrs. mops Wasn't worth your spit While he was still around, All three But just look How much he's worth Now that he's dead! Scrooge "oh merciful heaven, what is this?" (old joe appears out of the same mist, ringing his bell.) Old joe "rags and bones … rags and bones …" Mrs. mops "hey old joe! whatcha think?!" Old joe These are nice. I'll give you three and eight, mum. These are nice, And i'll take these besides. These are nice, And these'll fetch a great sum! All four What a lovely profit he provides!