LARRY (To the GROUP) Okay, the tap combination, A five, six, seven, eight ... SHEILA God, when it's over do I need a drink! MIKE He's got to know what he wants by now. BEBE Oh Jesus, have I got a headache. MAGGIE I'm not sure if I can smile much longer. JUDY I should have been a singer "AAAAHH!" well. BOBBY If George Hamilton can be a movie star Then I could be a movie star ALAN What am I doing in show business? LARRY Okay, everybody stage right, please. I'm going to put you into couples now according to size. Let me see, I'll start with the tall people ... Ah ... Okay, give me Don, Judy, Bobby and Kristine. Oh no, girls work on the other side of the boys, Sheila and Bebe, standby. Boys work upstage a bit, A five, six, seven, eight ...