This is one's for you From the back of beyond Where the blind winds of rage Tear at your tongues While the sirens sing out 'Til the harbinger comes For all the faces that fell by the way And this one's for her Been told she's no good Accursed by sorrow Ever since she set foot on this earth Well to hell, with what they said you can't nor could You best fly bird there's a prince on your tail Winter comes With a fire and a fury unknown In the shallows Raise your glass to these years while they're ours This one's for him Beneath the footsteps of kings Where the curtsying queens Hold knives in their teeth And the crackin' of minds Besides the digging of graves Burn the memory of a youth coldly stolen This one's for us Sat spittin' and hung Love long forgotten In webs so well spun That choke the songs we sing So when alls said and done Shit's the same as it always has been Winter comes With a fire and a fury unknown In the shallows Raise a glass to the dark and the dawn And this one's for the child Alone and afraid A voice never heard A policy made with no care For the heart In the body that shakes From the force of these lashes in our hands This one's for those That weren't meant to stay The heart you all shared The love that remains with us here Under the crush Of the great infinite While we all wait for the stars to appear Winter comes With a fire and a fury unknown In the shallows Raise a glass to old friends gone beyond now Under the crush Of the great infinite Raise your glass While we wait for the stars to appear