All Kneel down In frantic prayer The sudden stench of sulfur consumes the Air Waves of Scarlet The cursed Harlot evil plants it's seed in- Side of Her womb An archean system shifts toward apocalypse A leader betrayed by False armistice Ashen Faces Appear When the ascension circles near the Sapien assembly line Stops! Awaken malicious race Perishing the seven Gates Acts of devilry Birthing hatred in symmetry The lamias sing to the Hymn of suffering Deceased mark a trail Beheaded and impaled Our brethren Fall deep in frost A demonic holocaust The reproductive tragedy plays it's Role Hybrids born of condemned souls When the incantations were uttered An Act of lust gifts the world to Suffer! Ceyond! what one! can endure! A new! Age of! Rar has! rid the pure!